Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Snowglobe Music Festival

I was a bit pessimistic this year when it came to New Years, because last year TCU went to the Rosebowl and I was having the time of my life in Los Angeles when the clock struck midnight. This year I was home in my home town and all my high schools were doing what they do every year, going to Lake Tahoe. Snowglobe Music Festival was going on this weekend and I was complaining to my parents how obnoxious Dubstep music is and how this new craze of what people call "music" makes my head spin. Then lo and behold, I end up going. I think it was because I had zero expectations, but I ended up having a great time. It certainly wasn't sipping champagne at the W in Los Angeles, but it was a blast. They didn't play all Dubstep either and since it was below 20 degrees, there were very few people in disgusting outfits like I saw at Identity fest. I saw Plastic Plates play and I've been obsessing over this song ever since. Set Fire To The Rain- Plastic Plates Remix. Enjoy.

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