Thursday, March 20, 2014

23 Lessons I've Learned in 23 years

As Blink 182 once one likes you when you're 23. St.Patricks day marked my 23rd birthday,  and i'm hoping the reason for Blink-182 saying that is just because it's the best time of your life that people hate you out of pure jealousy. I have a feeling that's not true... Well considering I thought I had life figured out at age 13, there have been a lot of lessons I've learned along the way. It's been almost a full year since graduating from college and being on my own, that alone makes you learn a lot of spending $50 at sushi on Tuesday "just because" is no longer acceptable. Yeah, there have been a lot of harsh realities financially since my parents cut me off, but while knowing how to budget yourself on your Mint app is a great lesson, these are 23 lessons I've found most valuable throughout the years:

1. Learn to love yourself. At the end of the day, if you don't love yourself you don't have much.
2. A hot bath and cup of tea can cure anything.
3. Hard work always pays off in one way or another.
4. Good music is the best medicine. Live music could be the cure for cancer.
5. Take care of your body, you only get one.
6. Laugh. And don't be afraid to laugh at yourself.
7. Nothing good happens after 2am.
8. Don't waste your time worrying over things you can't control.
9. Hot sauce can make any meal better.
10.  Life’s too short to keep negative people around in your life
11. Vodka water..extra lime.
12. Know what you deserve, and don’t settle for anything but that.
13. Having designated “me” time at least once a week is crucial for anyone’s sanity in life.
14. If you don’t like something, change it and move on.
15. Great wine, food, music, & friends..what life is about.
16. Take every chance you get to travel
17. You will never be able to please everyone. The only approval you need in life is your own.
18. God has a plan, always.
19. Get off your phone and keep face to face conversation and relationships alive.
20. God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason.
21. Never trust a guy who cares more about what he looks like then you do.
22. Live alone at least once in your life.
23. Learn the value of "DGAFing" 

Cheers to 23 years, and many great more to come. 

1 comment:

  1. I really like your blog, AND YOUR MUSIC! If you want, you should check mine out. I'm just starting out with it:
    Hope you check it out!
