Monday, November 4, 2013

Daily Advice: Stop Caring So Much

If you haven’t heard of the term “dgaf,” now is the time more than ever to get acquainted with it. For you rookies out there, DGAF is an acronym for “don’t give a f.” It’s learning how to decipher things that matter in life (your job) and things that don’t (23 year old boys).  I can’t log onto Facebook without seeing another damn list of “how to be happy in your 20’s,” or have a conversation with my friends without them analyzing a relationship. “He hasn’t texted me in 3 days and he posted a picture on insta with another girl.” Holy shit, are you serious? Wait…are you going to be ok? News flash people: there is no special list, app, or book that will help you figure out your life or relationships. Want to know how to be happy in your 20’s? Don’t give a shit about petty things. Be selfish and do what you want to do. Dating is simple: if a guy truly wants to see you or talk to you, he will. If someone isn’t treating you how you want or need to be treated, move on. This shouldn’t be difficult.  I’ve been listening to my friends bitch about guys since the middle school days. I think I’m just exhausted. I’m not innocent here; I’ve done my fair share of bitching and moaning about someone who has pissed me off. But I’ve realized a few things after college: one of them being that 50% of marriages end in divorce, and another being that I never want to settle. So if you’re fighting with someone you’re dating already, hate to break it to ya but that shit isn’t going to end well. Our twenties are our times to figure out what we like and what we don’t like. There are people starving in the world, and people are crying over some “slut” being top 3 on the guy you likes snapchat. I literally just threw up. So please, BE SELFISH. Be picky. Do you. And for god sakes…just DGAF.

And here is a song that just will get you in that DGAF spirit..cheers.

Runnin- The Pharcyde (Bit Funk Remix)

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