Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Bucket List

I started making this bucket list in high school and what reminded of it is that I'm going to Austin City Limits this weekend (a large music festival in Austin, Texas) and seeing Coldplay live. It feels great being able to check another something off my list. However cliche and corny my bucket list or a bucket list in general is (which many of mine are), I think everyone should have one. Here it is so far, I'll be adding to it.

 Scientist- Coldplay

Bucket List:

1) See Coldplay, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kings of Leon, Dave Matthews, Norah Jones, Adele, Mumford and Sons, Edward Sharp & the Magnetic Zeros, Jay Z, John Legend, Kid Cudi,  and Modest Mouse live.
2) Eat a plate of spaghetti in an outdoor cafe in Italy
3) Skydive
4) Speak Spanish fluent and travel around Spain
5) Go skinny dipping at midnight in the South of France.
6) Tell a random stranger on a train in Europe my life story, get off, and never see them again.
7) See the world.
8) Ride the Trans Siberian Express across Asia.
9) Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich
10) Shower in a waterfall
11) Teach someone to read in a foreign country
12) Write a book and get it published
13) Make a large impact across the world
14) New Years in New York City at Time Square
15) Drive across America from coast to coast
16) Sleep under the stars
17) Have my name on something
18) Donate a large amount of money
19) By my own house and spend time making it just how I want it
20) Road trip across California
21) Scuba dive in Australlia
22) Go to a rock concert
23) Survive in the wilderness for a few days with nothing except water
24) Be in or create a music video
25) Get an acting role
26) Winter in Hawaii, Spring in London, Summer in the Alps, Fall in New England
27) Make a movie
28) Be in the audience of a TV show
29) Ride a vespa through Europe
30) River raft through the Grand Canyon
31) Run a marathon
32) Write my parents a large check for all the money they've spent on me and college.
33) Horse back ride on the beach
34) Visit a real blues bar in Chicago

too be continued...

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