Sunday, February 24, 2013

Daily Advice: The Only Approval You Need In Life Is Your Own

Alright, I usually cringe at people who post quotes about "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" or spill their intimate life details to the social media world. I'm not here to blab and reassure myself that I'm "strong" by writing on my blog. I'm just here to share a few words of wisdom that I had lost sight of for awhile until this past week. We live in a world of insecure people and expectations we are supposed to live up to. No matter where you go, or what you do, you will constantly be judged and criticized. That is just life. What you wear, what you say, what you do, you will never be completely free of judgements unless you allow yourself to be. An experience happened to me this past week that made me more frustrated than I had been in a long time. A picture was sent out by an unknown suspect and that person claimed that the picture was me. Anyone who knows me, knows I have too much self pride and dignity to send a picture like that. If you send a nude picture of yourself to someone in 2013 and don't expect it to be seen by the world, you're an idiot. While growing up, I have constantly been watching what I have on Facebook and any social media sites. You are your own PR, so you better make it good. When I found that someone sent this picture out, and put MY name on it, I was livid. Not only was I livid, but I felt pretty helpless. To be accused of something you didn't do, may be more frustrating than getting accused of something you actually did do. At least if you did it, you can accept it and try to move on from it. But for me, I wasn't going to let this happen. I have worked too hard to get where I am, and I was not about to let some immature guys who can't control their hormones tarnish my name. Long story short, I think I handled it and that rumor is pretty much squashed. But now here I am. Left with a lot of frustration and a whole lot of anger. A part of me is glad that this happened, because it reminded me of who I am. It is so easy to lose yourself and fall into working so hard to create this "image" of yourself. Everyone wants to have the best body, and look their best and I've felt that pressure my whole life. What I realized after this incident though, is no matter what you do, you will be criticized. If you're ugly you'll be criticized for not being pretty enough, if you're blessed with beauty you'll be constantly scrutinized and judged, and if you're cursed with a larger chest like myself, you'll have guys sending out fake pictures of you. It's a loose loose people. That is why you need to realize that the only approval you need in life is your own. You're the best friend you will ever have, and it's time I start remembering that. I have people who I know will always be there for me, but if you can't look in the mirror in the morning and smile at that person looking back at you, then what do you have? Nothing. Accept yourself, and once you do you'll realize none of this bullshit ever really mattered.

Jay Z vs Lana Del Ray- Dirt Off Your Shoulders/Born To Die Remix

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