In an era of narrow viewpoints, wannabee Paris Hilton's and The Jersey Shore, where the most popular singers talk about "brushing your teeth with a bottle of jack," where we have more degrees, but less sense of life, where we've forgotten how to laugh, but know how to send a text message, we've lost the real shit in life that reminds us how to breathe. I had to keep my sanity somewhere, so here it is: The Real Shit. A blog with REAL music, inspiration, and advice.
This guy looks pretty serious. My question is did he pick these out at the store along with that choker around his neck and say to himself "Damn, I look good." Any of this yellow, blue, orange, or red tinted glasses shit with silver rims or whatever there doing now a days makes me seriously wonder. TO ALL MEN OUT THERE..If you want to be this guy here who probably goes by DarthVader69 on his internet dating website, sport the choker and the tinted glasses.
Well first of all I'm a huge ANTI Ed Hardy person. I don't know, I guess a dragon blowing fire and bejewels never have appealed to me. I know there is a population of people out there who like Ed Hardy, and hey, that's fine. We all grow up sometime. However, for those normal, sane people out there; Ed Hardy is no longer cool (if it ever was).
Ohhh the good ol white rimmed sunglasses. I've had far too many conversations with my friends about how much we despise these babies. You could be Robert Pattinson and if you pick up a pair of white sunglasses and put them on, done. It's not 1995 anymore.
Not sure I even have to explain this one...these glasses are the definition of fugly.
I started making this bucket list in high school and what reminded of it is that I'm going to Austin City Limits this weekend (a large music festival in Austin, Texas) and seeing Coldplay live. It feels great being able to check another something off my list. However cliche and corny my bucket list or a bucket list in general is (which many of mine are), I think everyone should have one. Here it is so far, I'll be adding to it.
Scientist- Coldplay
Bucket List:
1) See Coldplay, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Kings of Leon, Dave Matthews, Norah Jones, Adele, Mumford and Sons, Edward Sharp & the Magnetic Zeros, Jay Z, John Legend, Kid Cudi, and Modest Mouse live.
2) Eat a plate of spaghetti in an outdoor cafe in Italy
3) Skydive
4) Speak Spanish fluent and travel around Spain
5) Go skinny dipping at midnight in the South of France.
6) Tell a random stranger on a train in Europe my life story, get off, and never see them again.
7) See the world.
8) Ride the Trans Siberian Express across Asia.
9) Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich
10) Shower in a waterfall
11) Teach someone to read in a foreign country
12) Write a book and get it published
13) Make a large impact across the world
14) New Years in New York City at Time Square
15) Drive across America from coast to coast
16) Sleep under the stars
17) Have my name on something
18) Donate a large amount of money
19) By my own house and spend time making it just how I want it
20) Road trip across California
21) Scuba dive in Australlia
22) Go to a rock concert
23) Survive in the wilderness for a few days with nothing except water
24) Be in or create a music video
25) Get an acting role
26) Winter in Hawaii, Spring in London, Summer in the Alps, Fall in New England
27) Make a movie
28) Be in the audience of a TV show
29) Ride a vespa through Europe
30) River raft through the Grand Canyon
31) Run a marathon
32) Write my parents a large check for all the money they've spent on me and college.
33) Horse back ride on the beach
34) Visit a real blues bar in Chicago
Yes, this is real life. I knew this kid in high school. Kid had potential in the looks department, but then he started gelling his hair taller then kids I babysit. A Guido epidemic is sweeping our country, and I'm not OK with it. And do I even need to mention the pubic hair on his chin? Cool bro.
Ok, some girls like guys with long hair and the "shaggy look." But unless you're a model and look like Ashton Kutcher, i'd have to go with NO. I want a man, not a guy whose hair is as long as my mothers or looks a little to much like my Japanese foreign exchange student named Rica.
Well if the face he is making in this picture isn't creepy enough, the guy went a little to crazy with the hair gel. GEL RULES: If you use gel, a little goes a long way. The idea should be to make your hair look more presentable. If I can tell you have gel in your hair, you're wrong.
Famous soccer players are probably the only men on earth who can wear fohawks seriously and still get laid. Is that a necklace I see slipping out of his shirt?
Warning: By following these tips women may become more attracted to you.
So there is this pretty sketchy but one of the best taco stands I've ever had in my life near TCU campus called Salsa Limon. After a party my friends and I stopped there for "late night" and to devour some sort of greasy Mexican cuisine. I go up to the window to attempt to order my order of 2 steak tacos but was completely thrown off when this man opened up the window of his stand and had this HEINOUS necklace on. If wearing a necklace isn't gay enough, he had 2 of them on. A shark tooth and an ivory turtle..seriously? Of course I had to capture this catastrophe for the world to see.
This leads me to my first GUY TIP post to help out all those guys out there that are just a little naive with how to properly dress or act in society. So GUY TIP #1: Get rid of the fugly mewelry.
Unless it is your wedding ring, rings on men are NEVER ok. A group of my friends and I were out and saw this very attractive guy. He offered us a drink and reached out his hand and had a giant pinky ring on, all the attraction we all had for him 5 seconds ago? Gone.
I already gave majority of my feelings about necklaces above when I was blinded by the Salsa Limon workers shark tooth, but since guys still haven't gotten the hint that wearing necklaces is not cool I figured i'd reiterate on it. Necklaces, gold chains, "bling", and ESPECIALLY puka shells are never ok. Just don't do it.
Once you pass the age of 16 and are no longer a camp counselor, the 20 different colored braided bracelets up your arm are no longer cool. Sorry.
For christ sakes, if David Beckam one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen looks gay with diamond studs, I promise you, you look even gayer.
Warning: By following these tips woman may suddenly be attracted to you.