Well...another Lana Del Rey song I find myself continuously hitting repeat on. Turn this up, and really listen to the lyrics. It is the epitome of majority of peoples relationship today.
"Don't make me sad, don't make me cry
Sometimes love is not enough and the road gets tough
I don't know why
Keep making me laugh,
Let's go get high
The road is long, we carry on
Try to have fun in the meantime
Come and take a walk on the wild side
Let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain
You like your girls insane
Choose your last words
This is the last time
Cause you and I, we were born to die"
The song sounds kind of morbid but I think it has a deeper meaning than that. Loving the sounds Lana has been producing.
In an era of narrow viewpoints, wannabee Paris Hilton's and The Jersey Shore, where the most popular singers talk about "brushing your teeth with a bottle of jack," where we have more degrees, but less sense of life, where we've forgotten how to laugh, but know how to send a text message, we've lost the real shit in life that reminds us how to breathe. I had to keep my sanity somewhere, so here it is: The Real Shit. A blog with REAL music, inspiration, and advice.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Song Of The Day: The Rolling Stones- Beast of Burden
If you don't like the Rolling Stones, well then you just don't know good music. I've been on a little stones splurge lately and just had to post this song. Just one of those feel good jams. I guarantee if you want to liven the mood in a bar or any scenario, just turn this song on.
Song Of The Day: The Pixies- Where is My Mind?
No matter how stable you feel you are in your life, there sometimes are those days where you just kinda loose your mind. Those days where you just kind of feel like letting go, and well, not really giving a shit. These days of just not really caring rarely come to me since I'm an anal perfectionist with most things life. But, its winter break for me. A new year is around the corner. And I'm blasting this song and thanking God for creating people who can create music like this. Life is short, you gotta loose your mind every once in a while. You gotta let go. God bless The Pixies.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Song and Movie of the Day: Like Crazy-- Fools Gold- Suprise Hotel
I saw the movie "Like Crazy" recently and I absolutely loved it. It wasn't any ridiculous vampire love story that everyone is obsessing over, and it didn't have the typical cliche Hollywood ending. It was a great story about real love that had it's up and downs of two people trying to make a long distance relationship work. I laughed and cried pathetically during it. I recommend it to anyone who can appreciate a good independent film.
In the movie after their wedding they were in a hotel room dancing to music and this song came on. When it came on during the movie I said to myself "Dear god, this is a good song." However, it only came on briefly so I didn't have enough time to pull out my phone and be obnoxious and "Shazaam" it during the movie. It was that great of a song though that I remembered to Google search for it and I found it. It's one hell of a song: Fools Gold-Suprise Hotel. Fool's Gold is a band based in Los Angeles, California where they weave together western pop aesthetics with African rhythms and melodies. I'm loving the sounds this group is making.
In the movie after their wedding they were in a hotel room dancing to music and this song came on. When it came on during the movie I said to myself "Dear god, this is a good song." However, it only came on briefly so I didn't have enough time to pull out my phone and be obnoxious and "Shazaam" it during the movie. It was that great of a song though that I remembered to Google search for it and I found it. It's one hell of a song: Fools Gold-Suprise Hotel. Fool's Gold is a band based in Los Angeles, California where they weave together western pop aesthetics with African rhythms and melodies. I'm loving the sounds this group is making.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Artist Of The Day: Phantogram
Phantogram is an American electronic rock duo from Saratoga, Springs, New York, formed in 2007 and consisting of Sarah Barthel (vocals, keyboards) and Josh Carter (vocals, guitars). They write and record in a remote barn in upstate New York called Harmony Lodge. The band name was inspired by the optical illusion called phantogram. Well alright Phantogram, way to blow the rest of us out of the water and look super artsy and cool by recording in your "remote barn in upstate New York" and creating amazing music. I guess I'm just bitter because I'm sitting here eating a Cup of Noodle and studying for exams in Fort Worth, Texas. Keep on keepin' on though Phantogram, you're all that is getting me through this management homework. Enjoy.
Don't Move
Mouthful of Diamonds
When I'm Small
Let Yo Hair Down Gurl
Good ol' Creedence Clearwater never ever fails me. This is the classics. This is music. You don't hear songs like these on the radio. Their songs make me want to create some cliche music video of me road tripping across the US and running free like some gyspy love child. I say this as I sip a coffee at 12 am and study for an exam tomorrow, oh the joys of college. But hey, one can dream right? I always say if I could live in any era it would either be the late 60's or early 70s when real rock and roll was at its prime and I could witness The Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac, The Beatles, Creedence Clearwater and the list continues, all LIVE. What I would do for that. I feel like life was just a lot more simpler these days, or maybe it was because everyone was on drugs? Either way, the music was good and that is all I need.
Now here are a few of my favorites by this one of a kind band:
Up Around The Bend- Creedence Clearwater
Bad Moon Rising- Creedence Clearwater
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Song Of The Day: Lana Del Rey- Videogame
Wow. I try to discover new songs every day, but very rarely do I come across a song that I just can't stop listening to. This song has been on repeat for the past 2 days. It's incredibly haunting, yet so beautiful. The cinematography for the song is completely captivating. This video shows a glimpse into the Hollywood lifestyle and brings me back to my roots of California. Besides her botched upper lip (who can blame her though, she lives in LA), I love this woman. Now here is a TRUE artist who can sing. This song reminds of just running free, making poor decisions, and all those stupid boys I dated in high school who loved playing those damn video games.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Song Of The Day: Reckoner- Radiohead
Any Radiohead fans know this is by no means a new song, but I've been listening to it all day and just had to post it. This is one of the most powerful songs I've ever heard, and that means a lot. A perfect song to just mellow you out and bring you back down to reality through our hectic lives. Sit back, forget your worries of the day, and just listen.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Just Go With The Flow
The term "go with the flow" has never been in my vocabulary until recently. I've always been the planner and the person who'd always try to juggle way to many things, just to say I could. I did countless amounts of leadership roles in high school and have continued that into college. I've always had the mind set of getting one step ahead and building up my resume. As of recently though, I've been building up my memories instead. I have less than 2 years of college left, and it scares the hell out of me. I don't want to look back and just remember the times I spent slaving away in the library or sitting in meetings. I want to remember this as one of the best times of my life, which it truly has been so far. I've always made fun of the cliche, sappy "live, laugh, love" quotes girls would put in their profiles; but living really is all I'm trying to do right now, and I've had one hell of a time doing it. It's not like I dropped all my cares in the world, I've just prioritized my priorities a bit, and it feels good. I'm still that same driven girl who wants the absolute best for myself, but stressing about getting a leadership role or getting an A on my test just is not worth stressing anymore. Life really is about the relationships you develop with people and the memories you create. I plan on making the absolute best of the time I have left in college, living a balanced life, and when things in my life start to get stressful, to remind myself how truly blessed I am and to just go with the flow. Life is too short to do anything but that.
Now here is a feel good jam to brighten your Sunday evening (Ignore the cheesy video to the song-I couldn't find the official video anywhere): Easy- Lionel Ritchie
Now here is a feel good jam to brighten your Sunday evening (Ignore the cheesy video to the song-I couldn't find the official video anywhere): Easy- Lionel Ritchie
Fabulous Paradoy of the Mainstream Music Were Hearing Today:
Macklemore is an amazing lyricist and all of his songs always seem to have some deeper meaning to them. I was shocked when I heard this song from him because it was a lot more upbeat then his usual music. I then found out this video is supposed to be a parody of all the mainstream songs we are hearing today on the radio about "taking shots" and "partying it up." This song actually is really good compared to Lady Gagas "music" flooding radio stations and this video is absolutely hilarious. Check it out:
And We Danced- Macklemore
And We Danced- Macklemore
RAC Remixes
1. Wait Up (Boots of Danger)- Tokyo Police Club (RAC Remix)
2. Steel Train- Turnpike Ghost (Rac Mix ft. Tegan and Sara)
3. Empire of the Sun- Walking On A Dream RAC remix
4. Houdini- Foster the People RAC Remix
I'm a HUGE fan of RAC Remixes. Here are a few of my favorites that I've had on repeat the past couple weeks. Download 100 more of their remixes free here.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Your Own Best Friend
As I've grown up, I've learned a lot of valuable life lessons. However, there is a certain lesson I've acquired over the years that I think a lot of people don't realize is one of the most important lessons you will ever learn in your life: being your own best friend. I have hundreds, maybe nearly thousands of friends after college, and those few friends I could call family. I have a few girls I can call my closest friends, and those girls who I'm sure will be my bridesmaid someday, but my best friend you may ask? Myself. There will be so many people who let you down in life, relationships that will grow and relationships that will fizzle out, and hard times and good times. Sure you'll have family and friends there for you, but at the end of the day, you really truly only have yourself. You're the one person who has been there all along. So stick up for that person and learn to love that person more than you've loved anything else in your life.
My roommate the other day goes "I want whatever pill it is Jessica is taking because she is always laughing, singing and happy in her room." It is true. I have a blast with myself, and if some people think I'm weird for it, it's because they haven't gotten to know who they truly are on the level I have. Accepting yourself is one of the greatest things you can do in your life. Sure, I have my days where I'm cranky or something doesn't go my way; but that is where being your own best friend is the best. You have the confidence in yourself to say "Hey Jess, stop being a baby, pick yourself up, and keep going." It is hard in our society today with endless amounts of people telling you right form wrong or what to do. Ignore them and just be natural. Accept yourself. Once you do this, you'll realize none of the stupid bullshit really matters.
"The best day of your life is the one in which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours- it is an amazing journey and you alone are responsible for the quality of it." - Bob Moawad
My roommate the other day goes "I want whatever pill it is Jessica is taking because she is always laughing, singing and happy in her room." It is true. I have a blast with myself, and if some people think I'm weird for it, it's because they haven't gotten to know who they truly are on the level I have. Accepting yourself is one of the greatest things you can do in your life. Sure, I have my days where I'm cranky or something doesn't go my way; but that is where being your own best friend is the best. You have the confidence in yourself to say "Hey Jess, stop being a baby, pick yourself up, and keep going." It is hard in our society today with endless amounts of people telling you right form wrong or what to do. Ignore them and just be natural. Accept yourself. Once you do this, you'll realize none of the stupid bullshit really matters.
"The best day of your life is the one in which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours- it is an amazing journey and you alone are responsible for the quality of it." - Bob Moawad
Monday, October 17, 2011
A Spot You Should All Vacay: Post Ranch Inn- Big Sur, California.
I grew up with a father who had a crazy passion for trying all the "best restaurants" and always wanting to see what action was happening. When I was 13 this annoyed the shit out of me because all I wanted to be doing was talking on AIM or pretend to go see a movie with my friends. Now that I'm older, I absolutely love it. Being wined and dined by the parents is actually one of my favorite things to do, especially now that I'm in my 3rd year of college and majority of my meal consists of Amy's Organic frozen meals. I really started embracing trying all these new places around my junior year of high school and would take weekend trips to San Francisco and tried some amazing restaurants in the city such as Gary Dankos, Michael Mina, Bix, The Slanted Door, Foreign Cinema, etc. However, my all time favorite restaurant other than French Laundry in Napa Valley would have to be Sierra Mar Restaurant at Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur, California. Big Sur itself is a place everyone needs to experience. Post Ranch Inn is absolutely breath taking. So if you're ever near the northern coast of California, make a trip to Post Ranch Inn, I promise you it will be worth the extra buck.
What a live performance should look like: 40 Day Dream
I went on a little Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros binge this summer, then stopped listening to them for awhile. I just synced my ipod after a few months and came across their music again which reminded me of this unreal video I saw of them performing 40 Day Dream. A little of their moves are a little out there, but they perform this song with such passion. They don't have any crazy lights or background dancers in slutty outfits gallivanting around the stage. They just let go and don't care..and kind of look like they did a little too much cocaine? But hey, I'd choose to see a performance like this any day over this Pitbull and Niki Minaji bull. This is just real, pure, passionate performing at its greatest.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Song Of The Day: Wonderin Why- Aer
Aer is a group that I feel will be taking off very shortly, because they certainly deserve to. With their laid back feel, their songs are appealing to almost everyone. I love their songs "Slow Down" and "Easy" but I recently came across "Wonderin' Why" and have it on repeat. It is a perfect song to help you chill out to with an afternoon filled with homework, or if you not as lucky with me and don't have several projects, a great beach jam.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Probably the cutest cover i've ever seen...
This amazing dad and his daughter do a cover to the song I don't think anyone can get tired of, Home by Edward and the Magnetic Zeros. Hope this brightens your day.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
This Is What I Live For...
I'm a little late on posting about how ACL turned out, but um wow..words really can't explain. We saw so many amazing artists, but of course Coldplay just rocked my world. A lot of artists can't pull off sounding great live, but they really took things to a different level. By far my favorite performance.
In The Zone
Any true music fan knows what I am talking about. When you're driving in your car or even doing just one of your daily monotonous tasks, and that song comes on. That certain song that just puts you in another zone and lets you feel a little at peace for a moment. This song is a bonus track on Mac Millers new cd called Best Day Ever. Enjoy.
" No complainin' when its rainin, I'll be in another zone. Move out my others home to a place I call my own."
Monday, September 12, 2011
GUY TIP # 3: Fugly Sunglasses.
Not sure I even have to explain this one...these glasses are the definition of fugly. |
Kanye West, you look like an idiot. |
Sunday, September 11, 2011
My Bucket List
I started making this bucket list in high school and what reminded of it is that I'm going to Austin City Limits this weekend (a large music festival in Austin, Texas) and seeing Coldplay live. It feels great being able to check another something off my list. However cliche and corny my bucket list or a bucket list in general is (which many of mine are), I think everyone should have one. Here it is so far, I'll be adding to it.
Scientist- Coldplay
Bucket List:
1) See
2) Eat a plate of spaghetti in an outdoor cafe in Italy
3) Skydive
4) Speak Spanish fluent and travel around Spain
5) Go skinny dipping at midnight in the South of France.
6) Tell a random stranger on a train in Europe my life story, get off, and never see them again.
7) See the world.
8) Ride the Trans Siberian Express across Asia.
9) Drink beer at Oktoberfest in Munich
10) Shower in a waterfall
11) Teach someone to read in a foreign country
12) Write a book and get it published
13) Make a large impact across the world
14) New Years in New York City at Time Square
15) Drive across America from coast to coast
17) Have my name on something
18) Donate a large amount of money
19) By my own house and spend time making it just how I want it
21) Scuba dive in Australlia
23) Survive in the wilderness for a few days with nothing except water
24) Be in or create a music video
25) Get an acting role
26) Winter in Hawaii, Spring in London, Summer in the Alps, Fall in New England
27) Make a movie
28) Be in the audience of a TV show
29) Ride a vespa through Europe
30) River raft through the Grand Canyon
31) Run a marathon
32) Write my parents a large check for all the money they've spent on me and college.
33) Horse back ride on the beach
34) Visit a real blues bar in Chicago
too be continued...
Friday, September 9, 2011
GUY TIP # 2: HAIR 101- Simplicity is Key.
Famous soccer players are probably the only men on earth who can wear fohawks seriously and still get laid. Is that a necklace I see slipping out of his shirt? |
So there is this pretty sketchy but one of the best taco stands I've ever had in my life near TCU campus called Salsa Limon. After a party my friends and I stopped there for "late night" and to devour some sort of greasy Mexican cuisine. I go up to the window to attempt to order my order of 2 steak tacos but was completely thrown off when this man opened up the window of his stand and had this HEINOUS necklace on. If wearing a necklace isn't gay enough, he had 2 of them on. A shark tooth and an ivory turtle..seriously? Of course I had to capture this catastrophe for the world to see.
This leads me to my first GUY TIP post to help out all those guys out there that are just a little naive with how to properly dress or act in society. So GUY TIP #1: Get rid of the fugly mewelry.
Warning: By following these tips woman may suddenly be attracted to you.
This leads me to my first GUY TIP post to help out all those guys out there that are just a little naive with how to properly dress or act in society. So GUY TIP #1: Get rid of the fugly mewelry.
Once you pass the age of 16 and are no longer a camp counselor, the 20 different colored braided bracelets up your arm are no longer cool. Sorry. |
For christ sakes, if David Beckam one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen looks gay with diamond studs, I promise you, you look even gayer. |
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Refuse to Settle for a Life of Mediocrity
Our world is filled with people who just settle. Settle for their spouse, their job, their dreams. I have always been someone who refused to settle. I've seen too many of my friends be in relationships with guys where you literally would ask yourself "Why the hell is she with him?" I'd be there to give advice, they'd break up, get back together, he'd say something sweet, they'd get back together. A viscous cycle. Want to know why people do this? We're afraid. We're afraid of being alone, afraid of not "finding the one," and afraid of love. I know this because I've been that person for years now. I've experienced a very unhealthy relationship at a young age that completely altered my view for what I deserve in my life. That unhealthy relationship actually was one of the best things that could have happened to me. It opened my eyes to what I want in life and what I refused to ever have in my life again. I was recently in a very healthy relationship with someone who I considered more of my "best friend" then my boyfriend. We had a very normal relationship. He made me laugh and he made me happy. For once I experienced something that felt normal. Something I had to learn was that something may feel normal, but that doesn't mean it is right. I don't want to just have a "normal" relationship, I want to have an amazing relationship. After I broke up with him I just turned this song up and smiled, because a) I love this song and b) I just knew it was right.
If more people could just get the guts to give up what feels "normal" in their life and shoot for something bigger, I think we all could experience a new happiness. I know I'll be sad when I see him with another girl, I'll miss his jokes and his laugh, but what is it that will help me move on? The knowledge that God has a plan for me in life and the right guy is out there for me. I'm only 20 years old and by no means will I ever need a man to define me or make me happy. It's time for me to be alone, enjoy my youth, and figure out "Jessica." And when "Mr.Right" comes along...I'll know.
If more people could just get the guts to give up what feels "normal" in their life and shoot for something bigger, I think we all could experience a new happiness. I know I'll be sad when I see him with another girl, I'll miss his jokes and his laugh, but what is it that will help me move on? The knowledge that God has a plan for me in life and the right guy is out there for me. I'm only 20 years old and by no means will I ever need a man to define me or make me happy. It's time for me to be alone, enjoy my youth, and figure out "Jessica." And when "Mr.Right" comes along...I'll know.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
When buying music was more than just iTunes.
I can remember when I was a teenager in high school and I was at my beach house in Santa Cruz, California for the weekend with some friends. We were in a book store and "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" by Leo Sayer came on over the radio. I wanted this song so bad. My dad had this vintage record player in our house with a bunch of old records like Earth, Wind and Fire and Doobie Brothers. My friends and I went on a hunt around downtown Santa Cruz to find Leo Sayers album. There is something about the thrill of going out and buying a record, I wish still existed. I am only 20 years old and a millennial experiencing this social media craze head on, however, if I could I would go back to the classics. When getting a record was an event, and you didn't just have to click "BUY" on iTunes or illegally download it off line and get viruses on your computer. I loved that my Dad had that record player growing up because it made me appreciate listening to music in a different way. Whenever I hear this Leo Sayer song, it instantly reminds me of just simple times, and well, makes me feel like dancing.
What happened to CLASSIC ?
These are the stars currently on television:
This is what girls look like when they try to be them (they're faces were blocked for their own sake):
This new fad of bleaching the shit out of your hair until it will almost falls out, having skin so orange you look like an oompha loompa, getting meaningless tattoos all over the surface of your body (yes, that heart with vines going up your side will still be there when you're a mother and an old lady), and the whole "I don't give a f*** so I flip off the camera in pictures" attitude, baffles me. What makes girls think this is OK to do, let alone, ATTRACTIVE? What happened to classic beauty? This is the type of beauty we should look up to--not wannabee Barbie:
Grace Kelly
Audrey Hepburn
Keira Knightley
This is what girls look like when they try to be them (they're faces were blocked for their own sake):
This new fad of bleaching the shit out of your hair until it will almost falls out, having skin so orange you look like an oompha loompa, getting meaningless tattoos all over the surface of your body (yes, that heart with vines going up your side will still be there when you're a mother and an old lady), and the whole "I don't give a f*** so I flip off the camera in pictures" attitude, baffles me. What makes girls think this is OK to do, let alone, ATTRACTIVE? What happened to classic beauty? This is the type of beauty we should look up to--not wannabee Barbie:

Scarlett Johnason
Audrey Hepburn
Keira Knightley
Sweet Summer Time
This is my last full day at my internship and then I start school in a few weeks....um, wait what? Although this summer didn't consist of going to the lake or beach everyday, laying out, and sleeping in until 2pm; I've learned the most I ever have. I may not be going back to school with a bronzed summer tan, but for once, that is OK to me. RAPP really is an amazing agency. I've met great people and learned so much not only about the advertising industry, but about myself. I am so excited for the future and what is to come.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
You and Tequila Make Me Crazy
Not only is this a beautiful music video, but I've had this song on repeat all week. It just perfectly describes a relationship that I think a lot of us have had. It is one that you know just isn't right. You both just drive each other absolutely nuts, but for someone reason, always come back to each other. Something I've learned is that this doesn't mean that this person is "the one." You each just saw something in the other that you were drawn to, but anything that makes you feel that way can't be good for you (i.e. too much tequila). If anything, a night of "too much tequila" always turns into a lesson well learned. And the guy that drove you crazy, well we all meet them sometime in our life; the hard part is realizing whether he is good for you or not.
The Maid of Honor
My beautiful big sister Jaclynn is getting married in a few weeks, and I still can't believe it. I'm flying out of Texas at 7:25pm to go to California for her bridal shower and bachelorette party. I've always imagined the day that it would happen, but I never thought it would be so soon. My sister sent me this letter in the mail:
Jessie, I don’t even know where to begin. I love you so much! I guess that’s where. Throughout the years growing up I have always tried to protect you, and not always in the best of ways, but ways in which all I knew. I have always seen you as my baby sister who I need to take care of. I guess that is why when choosing my maid of honor I did not even think of you. The thought of asking my baby sister for help, is a thought I never even let cross my mind, and makes my stomach turn. I obviously am too prideful and have issues asking for help. However, when picturing my wedding I always knew and could never picture anyone else standing by my side other then you. Jessie, I would be honored if you would be my maid of honor! I want no one else but you to have this place! Friends will come and go but I will always have you as my baby but very grown up sister. When looking back at my wedding I want to know I had the right people standing next to me. I understand if you don’t want to be, it is a lot of responsibility, just let me know. I care more about you then you even know and that words can even describe. I am always here for you. I am saddened by our distance both in actual distance and emotional. And now instead of going against each other we have been growing closer throughout the years. I like to think of the times when we would just lay on each others beds talking the night away, not always in the best circumstances but at least we realized we have been there all along. I love you with all my heart! I am always just a phone call away.
Of course I sobbed like a baby when I read this, but it really truly was the sweetest thing I've ever read. I'm flying to California tonight to be with my family and to hopefully throw my big sis the most amazing bridal shower and bachelorette party ever. I still can't believe how much we've grown up. But through the ups and downs, tears and smiles, my sister said it perfectly; we've been there all along.
And umm..how beautiful is the venue that my sister is getting married at? Its called Monarch Cove Inn in Captiola, California. Stunning. I'll be posting pictures from the actual wedding shortly.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Don't Fade Away..
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Working that 9 to 5.
I recently got a summer internship with RAPP (formly known as Rapp Collins Worldwid) Marketing. I had an internship last summer for an advertising agency in my home town Glass McClure, it was a great company, but my days were not nearly exciting as my time here at RAPP has been. I feel so blessed to have gotten this position and to have met the people I have met. The environment they have created in this agency is one of a kind. The people are REAL and able to be themselves. There is no strict dress code and it is a relaxed environment but the people are brilliant and get their shit done. Having this internship has opened my eyes to what kind of job I want to get when i'm finished at TCU. I never want to work in a stuffy environment where you feel like you can't be yourself. I've gotten so used to college and being able to sleep into 11 and having my father pay my bills that this really was an eye opener for me in so many ways. I don't ever want to have to rely on anyone in my life to be financially stable except myself. I'm not goign to lie, i'm scared as hell as to what i'm going to do when end of my senior year of college rolls around and not getting my "monthly allowance" from my Dad. Not to sound pompous, but that is why i've already had 2 internships and I still have 2 years left of college. I don't want to just be "on the grind" after college. I want to get an amazing job I love and still maintain the lifestyle i'm accustomed to. I'm so thankful for all the blessings God has put in my life. I look around at other kids who are doing drugs and still living off their parents pay checks and really just feel proud of myself for how strong i've become and my accomplishments, which is a really great feeling. I learn more and more about myself everyday and i've met some amazing people at this internship that only furthers my point of surrounding yourself with good people goes a long way.
Monday, May 2, 2011
"What Sexy Should Be"
I can't stop watching this cover of Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi done by Lissie. She is such a real pure performer. She puts so much emotion into what she does and I love how when her guitar is out of tune she just throws it onto the stage and starts belting into the mic. A comment I loved on this video that someone posted was "this is what sexy should be." I couldn't have said it better myself. Props.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Pencils worn. Bags packed. Music Blasting.
Haven't blogged in a while mostly due to the sheer fact that my life has been complete chaos...and it's still not over. It's finals week and in less then a week I will be a Junior in college with only 2 more years to "do whatever I want" and "real life begins."As each school year comes to an end, I always find I have learned not only more academically, but more about myself. In my sophomore year i've learned a lot about myself:
1) Balance in life is key.
Nothing is worth stressing out enough to the point where you have a break down. I realized this as I broke down in the financial aid office at TCU when my mother forgot to pay my monthly tuition due to her lack of technology skills and not knowing how to use "ezbill" online. Therefore, my account was on hold and I could not sign up for classes that had one or two slots left. However, my dramatic tear fest did allow the poor ladies in the financial aid office to feel bad for my pathetic self so I did get to sign up for the classes I wanted. After I walked out of that office feeling completely pathetic and overly dramatic, I realized a few things: 1) Fight for the things you want in life...but do so with a little more grace and dignity then I did. 2) Things won't always work out your way, but life goes on. 3) Never yell at your parents ever...all they want is for your to be happy.
2) Be who are 100%.
Going to a very materialistic school where everyone talks about everyone, it is hard not to care what people think about you. I had very few enemies in high school and have very few enemies in college, but I think that is because I've always hated confrontation and have just never wanted to deal with any drama. Freshmen year I got sucked into trying to be someone I wasn't. I am a California girl who came to Texas and experienced a complete culture shock. I joined a sorority at a very Greek school where if you don't dress or act a certain way you're considered a "GDI (god damn indepedent)"..which isn't a good thing at this school? I fell into the whole southern greek life craze. It only took me going back home for a break to realize how pathetic it all is though. This school is filled with kids whose real selves and souls are covered up with neon tank tops and crookies. It's really sad actually. People are more concerned about being classified by the Greek organization they are then, then what type of person they are.
3) You don't have to like everyone, and not everyone has to like you.
Freshmen year I wanted to get to know everyone and be friends with everyone. But then I realized that I don't sincerely like some people and certain relationships just felt fake. I've met some of the best people here that I know God put into my life for a reason, and I've also met some people here where I have to remind myself on a daily basis that "God knows the truth about them," or that karma will do justice on them. Although I hate confrontation, there are a few relationships in my life where I would rather not be friends with that person, then have a completely fake relationship with someone I really don't even want to associate myself with. In life you will meet people who will change your life, and you will meet people who you really wish would just disappear..but you have to learn to deal with it. In school, in the work place, even in your family, there will always be that person who just pisses you off. You don't have to like them, and they don't have to like you. There is a difference between being "fake" and being "civil." For those people who I don't agree with, civil is all we will ever be, and hey, that's perfectly fine with me. If you surround yourself with good people and try to do what is right in all you do,that's good enough. Don't waste your time caring about someone who doesn't care about you..however cliche that sounds, it's so true.
As this year comes to an end and I've learned some valuable life lessons, relationships have blossomed and grown strong, some relationships have fizzled, and I'm "ripping posters off the wall and moving boxes into the hall" and starting a new chapter in my life...i'm playing "Pull My Heart Away" by Jack Penate. Perfect song for the end of a very transformational and eye opening school year.
1) Balance in life is key.
Nothing is worth stressing out enough to the point where you have a break down. I realized this as I broke down in the financial aid office at TCU when my mother forgot to pay my monthly tuition due to her lack of technology skills and not knowing how to use "ezbill" online. Therefore, my account was on hold and I could not sign up for classes that had one or two slots left. However, my dramatic tear fest did allow the poor ladies in the financial aid office to feel bad for my pathetic self so I did get to sign up for the classes I wanted. After I walked out of that office feeling completely pathetic and overly dramatic, I realized a few things: 1) Fight for the things you want in life...but do so with a little more grace and dignity then I did. 2) Things won't always work out your way, but life goes on. 3) Never yell at your parents ever...all they want is for your to be happy.
2) Be who are 100%.
Going to a very materialistic school where everyone talks about everyone, it is hard not to care what people think about you. I had very few enemies in high school and have very few enemies in college, but I think that is because I've always hated confrontation and have just never wanted to deal with any drama. Freshmen year I got sucked into trying to be someone I wasn't. I am a California girl who came to Texas and experienced a complete culture shock. I joined a sorority at a very Greek school where if you don't dress or act a certain way you're considered a "GDI (god damn indepedent)"..which isn't a good thing at this school? I fell into the whole southern greek life craze. It only took me going back home for a break to realize how pathetic it all is though. This school is filled with kids whose real selves and souls are covered up with neon tank tops and crookies. It's really sad actually. People are more concerned about being classified by the Greek organization they are then, then what type of person they are.
3) You don't have to like everyone, and not everyone has to like you.
Freshmen year I wanted to get to know everyone and be friends with everyone. But then I realized that I don't sincerely like some people and certain relationships just felt fake. I've met some of the best people here that I know God put into my life for a reason, and I've also met some people here where I have to remind myself on a daily basis that "God knows the truth about them," or that karma will do justice on them. Although I hate confrontation, there are a few relationships in my life where I would rather not be friends with that person, then have a completely fake relationship with someone I really don't even want to associate myself with. In life you will meet people who will change your life, and you will meet people who you really wish would just disappear..but you have to learn to deal with it. In school, in the work place, even in your family, there will always be that person who just pisses you off. You don't have to like them, and they don't have to like you. There is a difference between being "fake" and being "civil." For those people who I don't agree with, civil is all we will ever be, and hey, that's perfectly fine with me. If you surround yourself with good people and try to do what is right in all you do,that's good enough. Don't waste your time caring about someone who doesn't care about you..however cliche that sounds, it's so true.
As this year comes to an end and I've learned some valuable life lessons, relationships have blossomed and grown strong, some relationships have fizzled, and I'm "ripping posters off the wall and moving boxes into the hall" and starting a new chapter in my life...i'm playing "Pull My Heart Away" by Jack Penate. Perfect song for the end of a very transformational and eye opening school year.
Friday, March 25, 2011
It Will Give You Chills
Danny MacAskill- "Way Back Home" video literally gave me chills through my entire body as I was watching it. I am no BMX bike rider, and the only bike I own is a green beach cruiser with a wicker basket and white wheels, but as I was watching this video it wasn't just his amazing talent that really got me, but his drive. This video can be seen as a symbol of inspiration and that extra drive we all need in our day to day life. Both the songs in the video I absolutely love as well. Wax and Wire-Loch Lomond is the first song and A Little Piece- The Jezebels is the second, both such powerful songs. Excellent job on the videography as well. I thought you all would enjoy this.
Just When I Thought Music Couldn't Get Worse..
One of my inspirations for the creation of this blog was to post real, pure, great music for people to listen to in a world filled with over-processed, regurgitated, non meaningful music. Once I thought music couldn't get any worse after Kei$ha's "Tik Tok" song was released, everything I ever thought was proved wrong when I heard the most dreadfully repulsive song i've ever heard in my life: Rebecca Black "Friday." Not only does the way she say Friday just completely piss me off, but the fact that this video has over 40 million views about a song about how a girl gets up in the morning, has to decide where she wants to sit, and how happy she is it's Friday just makes me lose hope for this generation of music to turn around. And please note the token black rap verse, how cliche and so completely pointless? Who ever produced this song, you should be fired. You look like a nice girl Rebecca Black, but singing just isn't for you.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
20 years and the grass is definitely greener, as is the beer.
Today is not only one of my personal favorite holidays, but it's the day I can no longer call myself a teenager; my 20th birthday and St. Patricks Day. A lot has happened in past 20 years, and I'd say overall, it's been one hell of a life thus far. Although it sounds cliche, i've "lived and learned," i've lost and loved, made relationships and ended relationships, had many successes yet many hardships, and all of it has made me the level headed yet "happy-go lucky" 20 year old girl I am today. So as I go out tonight with the ones I love to celebrate beating teen pregnancy and never getting sent to juvi, and I sip a green colored beer that may or may not be good for my health; i'll be smiling to myself and thanking God for the 20 years I've lived so far and the greenest St.Patricks day i've seen yet. It's 20 years later and the grass is definitely greener, as is the beer.
In the spirit of St. Patricks Day, a talented band I love: Flogging Molly- If I Ever Leave This World Alive
In the spirit of St. Patricks Day, a talented band I love: Flogging Molly- If I Ever Leave This World Alive
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