My last post was June's now December. I can explain, and I have a confession to make: I hate being like everyone else. There have always been blogs that I have followed, but it seems as if in the past year there has been an influx of everyone and ANYONE having blogs. I started my blog originally in high school as a hobby and to post the new music I've discovered. I'm not here to hate on bloggers, because I'm no one special. Maybe I'm bitter and jealous I can't just have a fashion blog for a living, but I've felt that having a blog has become like that song you like at first, but then the radio overplays it and suddenly it's old news and you can't bare to listen to it again. I've had people write me and ask me why I stopped blogging. Well one answer is, life happened. I've become so consumed with work that I haven't had the chance or time to even find new music or jot down my thoughts or advice.But after I heard from a few people, I realized some people actually care what I have to say or share. It's sad that I've let everything else in my life get in my way of something I used to be so passionate about. We live in a world of clichés and everyone seems to have a opinion. I forgot how good it felt to write something knowing someone may read it and appreciate it, whether everyone is doing it or not.
So...i'm back. I may not be able to post as much as I used to because..well..I have a 8-5 job and lets face it, after work the last thing I want to do is sit in front of a computer screen again and write. But stay tuned my friends...many great things to come.