The High Road- Broken Bells
In an era of narrow viewpoints, wannabee Paris Hilton's and The Jersey Shore, where the most popular singers talk about "brushing your teeth with a bottle of jack," where we have more degrees, but less sense of life, where we've forgotten how to laugh, but know how to send a text message, we've lost the real shit in life that reminds us how to breathe. I had to keep my sanity somewhere, so here it is: The Real Shit. A blog with REAL music, inspiration, and advice.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Artist of the Day: Big Boi (New Album: Vicious Lies and Dangerous Rumors)
She Hates Me- Big Boi ft. Kid Cudi
Monday, December 3, 2012
4 Songs To Get You Through Finals Alive
So my computer fell off my sink a few nights ago, which caused my hard-drive to completely crash. It wouldn't have been too big of a deal other than I lost a 15 page paper due the next day. I had a major panic attack and wallowed in my own self pity for awhile, but then I realized I had to get over it. My fault for having my $1200 laptop sitting on the side of my sink while getting ready. It's life. For awhile I thought my life was over. I lost all my music, all my documents, everything. Then I realized something: If the worst thing to happen to me this year is having my hard-drive crash, I'm a very lucky person with a lot to be thankful for. So you know what I did? Sat my ass down in the library, put on my head phones and re-wrote my paper. I discovered these 4 songs in the process, and have to say, they made rewriting that paper a whole lot easier. Hope they bring you as much joy as they brought me. Happy finals week yall.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Song of the Day: SBTRKT-Hold on
Monday, November 19, 2012
Song Of The Day: Disclosure- Latch Feat. Sam Smith
I may have an unhealthy obsession with this song. It may have become a little "mainstream" by now, but it is definitely worthy of a post. This is a song that needs to be added to everyone's playlist. Enjoy it.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Artist of The Day: John Legend
In a desperate attempt to find something to distract me from doing school work, I decided to go through my entire iTunes library. Upon doing so, I rediscovered one of the best albums in the history of music, John Legends "Once Again" album. Pure brilliance. This my friends is real music. You can listen to the entire album here: and make sure to check out a few of my favorite songs by Mr.Legend listed below. Pour yourself a glass of wine, get a good book, and just sit back and listen. This is an artist I need to add to my list of artists I need to see.
"Where Did My Baby Go?"-John Legend
"Slow Dance"-John Legend
"Coming Home"-John Legend
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Artist of The Day: Ellie Goulding
Ellie Goulding rose to fame from her songs "Lights" and "Starry Eyed" that were released last year. This is a perfect example of a great artist that became quickly over played on the radio. She was good, but her songs got a little too repetitive for me. Well, I might be biting my tongue now because Goulding's album "Halcyon" was released at the beginning of October, and I can not stop playing it. Here are two of my favorite songs from the album: "Anything Could Happen" and "Only You." Great talent from this English songwriter.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I went to SnowGlobe last year as a last minute thing for New Years Eve, and ended up having the time of my life. Well, the SnowGlobe 2012 lineup just came out, and I can not be more thrilled. Wiz Khalifa alone would fulfill my New Years Eve, but throw Big Gigantic, Boombox, Zion I and recently featured artist on TheRealShit, CHERUB into the mix and you're guaranteed a weekend to remember. Hope to see you there friends.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Song Of The Day: Doses & Mimosas-Cherub
I think I may have found my new favorite duo on the scene and their called Cherub. They describe themselves as "a sexy, avant-garde, electro-pop duo that is the dance love-child of 80’s funk, and pop-music from the future." The members of Cherub, Jordan Kelley and Jason Huber, share a love for honest original music and vibrant live performance, with a common goal to share a little bit of sex, a little bit of drugs, and a whole lot of love with people across the globe. I'm not sure about the sex and drugs part, but I'm pretty sure they've got something great here.
Check out there song: Doses & Mimosas
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Why Even Try-Theophilus London (RAC mix). Could be the best remix of a song i've heard in awhile.
Two Hours-Theme Park (RAC Mix) Lovin this jam.
Part Of Me- Katy Perry (RAC Mix). Katy Perry was one of our biggest artist this summer at Capitol, so to say I have heard "Part Of Me" at least 100 times would be an understatement. However, when I heard this RAC mix I didn't want to stop listening. They are great at putting a different spin on songs that can be seen as any other overly played pop song.
Song Of The Day: Daydream(Noah Hyde Remix)-Youth Lagoon/ Noah Hyde
Daydream (Noah Hyde Remix)-Youth Lagoon. Enjoy.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Love What You Do.
You know when you try to hold back crying so you hold your breath and you can feel the tears creeping up to the corners of your eyes? You hold it in, then someone gives you a hug and it's straight down hill from there. You end up making a more obnoxious noise crying from trying to hold it back then if you just let yourself cry. That was me yesterday. Just a straight up mess. Talk about embarrassing. You know you like working somewhere when you cry like a child when you're leaving. Yesterday was my last day of my internship at Capitol Records. To say it was a great experience would be a complete understatement. Not only did I learn all about the music industry and the business behind it, I learned about myself and developed some amazing relationships. The people I worked with in Brand Partnerships were not only brilliant, but they were GOOD people. And let me tell you, good people are hard to come across in the crazy city of Los Angeles. They never made me feel like "the intern," and included me in on everything. This internship never included getting coffee or doing the shit work around the office. They knew what talents I had, and they had me utilize them. I took over all of the creative for the Brand Partnerships team in LA and New York. I recreated all the artist one sheets and graphics for the website. Not only did I get to do actual WORK, but I loved doing it. As a matter of fact, everyone at Capitol loved what they did. That is what made it so hard to leave. Yeah I learned how to build websites, perfected my InDesign and PhotoShop skills, learned all about sales, marketing, and PR within the music industry, and so much more; but the most important lesson I learned was: LOVE WHAT YOU DO. I still haven't made up my mind exactly on what it is I want to do, but I do know that whatever I do, I want to be excited when I wake up in the morning. Too many people in this world settle. I refuse to be one of them. I will be forever grateful for the experience of a life time I got working at Capitol Records. As for now, I have one full year of college left and living off my parents pay check. Time to make some memories. A few goals I have for the semester:
1) Figure out what it is I want to do, and do it.
2) Take advantage of every opportunity, event, and moment.
3) Stay true to myself.
4) Cherish life, no matter how cliche it may sound.
5) Trust in God.
1) Figure out what it is I want to do, and do it.
2) Take advantage of every opportunity, event, and moment.
3) Stay true to myself.
4) Cherish life, no matter how cliche it may sound.
5) Trust in God.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
5 Songs You Need On Your IPod Now
1. Go Outside- Cults
2. Janglin- Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
3. Ho Hey- The Lumineers
4. You're A Wolf- Sea Wolf
5. Hang Me Up To Dry- Cold War Kids
2. Janglin- Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
3. Ho Hey- The Lumineers
4. You're A Wolf- Sea Wolf
5. Hang Me Up To Dry- Cold War Kids
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Seasons Change And So Do We....
A few days ago I found out a kid I grew up with is in gay porn. Not only that, but at least 4 girls from high school have had babies or are pregnant. People are getting married, have become drug addicts, have started their own business, or are living in different countries. People are changing. Were growing up. I'm 21 and I've been living by myself in Los Angeles all summer, that alone makes you grow up a bit. Although it is a somewhat depressing reality that everyone is changing, I'm glad I can recognize it in myself. The person I was when I was 15 was dramatically different than the person I was after my first year of college. I suddenly realized my parents were no longer trying to "ruin my life." The person I was my freshman year of college versus the 21 year old sitting here at her desk at Capitol Records, has changed exponentially. Every experience, every challenge, every negative or positive circumstance in your life directly effects you into growing into the person you are made to be. I can sit here and stress and stress and stress about where I'm going to be working next year or what next move I should make to ensure a successful future for myself, but I've come to a sudden peace knowing one thing: God has a plan.
And now a great song by Temper Trap- Fader
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Song of the Day: Foster The People- Call It What You Want
"Call It What You Want"- Foster The People
So pretty sure everyone and their mom has heard "Pumped Up Kicks" by this Los Angele's band. This song isn't a new release by any means but it's damn good. I saw Foster The People live at ACL and I'll adimt, I wasn't that impressed with their live performance. However, they are one band that I give major props to. They make songs that stick with you and you want to hear again. The founder of the band Mark Foster was a commercial jingle writer before his band Foster The People took off. That explains a lot. Another song I love of theirs in "Dont Stop." Both are great songs to get your Saturday night started.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Artist of the Day: Santigold
Disperate Youth official video. Not your typical music video, but then again Santigold isn't your typical singer. And that is exactly why I love her.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
The Beastie Boys- RIP Adam Yauch
I love a lot of different things about the people I work with at Capitol, but mostly it is their sheer love and passion for music. The girl I work under has a great ear for REAL music and performances. The other day we were talking about the new Coldplay album "Mylo Xyloto," and I mentioned how I love Coldplays older albums and how it has more of a raw feel to it. She showed me a video of the lead singer of Coldplay at The Hollywood Bowl singing the legendary song "You Got To Fight, For Your Right (To Party) by The Beastie Boys." This is a cover I get chills listening to every time I hear it. Just a beautiful tribute to another band that will forever be one of the greatest. The Beastie Boys are a band that almost everyone can relate to point in their life. The time of rebellion and sneaking cheap beer from your parents. The time of innocence, being young, and making mistakes. "Your pops caught you smoking and he said no way, ah that hypocrite smokes two packs a day. Man living at home is such a drag. Now your mom through away your best porno mag." As we get older, I hope we can all remember these times in our adolescent years, and always keep a part of that with us. You got to fight for your right, to party. Happy Wednesday everyone. Enjoy this beautiful video.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Song Of The Day: Hollywood (ft.Penguin Prison) RAC Remix
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Throwback Tuesday: Maps-Yeah Yeah Yeahs
I became an avid listener of the Yeah Yeah Yeah's during my 16 year old "I'm too cool for anyone" phase. I'd blast the Yeah Yeah Yeah's in my room when my parents were "ruining my life" by not letting me go to the movies with a boy I liked, and think I was rebelling against the system. Oh, the memories. Well, now looking back and reminiscing on some of my favorite songs, Yeah Yeah Yeah's still is one of my favorites. They're a band I will probably still be listening to when I have a dramatic 16 year old of my own. Enjoy, reminisce, or what have you. Here is the Yeah Yeah Yeah's popular song Maps.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
A Year Left of The Best Days of Our Lives.
I just finished my last final, and as I was walking home and saw my senior neighbors moving out, it hit me: I have one year left of college. Where the hell did the time go? Some people say that college is the best time of your life, and for me so far, it has been. I've grown immensely in the past 3 years, met some of the best of people I know, established life long friendships, met some people and gone through some experiences that taught me what I do not want in life, and I've had one hell of a time. I leave Saturday to go back to California for the whole summer, and I'm scared. I haven't felt this way since 3 years ago when I left everything I knew and came to Texas. It was the best decision I have ever made, so I'm interested to see what the summer has in store for me. When I come back in August, I only have 1 more year of sleeping in late and going out on Tuesday nights, and you will bet that I will take full advantage of it. I know that I'm ready for the real world and having a job, but I just don't want to face it yet. Here is to one of the best years of my life, and hopefully many more to come. Cheers my friends. Now let's go enjoy summer and being young.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Making Dreams Come True...

I made a promise to myself when I was in high school that I would never settle for anything. I would never settle for a job, a man, or a life of mediocrity. Our world is filled with people who just settle for an average life. The average job, the average marriage, just...average. Call me cocky, call me big headed, but I've always known that I deserve better than an average life, and I was going to ensure that it never happened to me. Well, I had a few internships working for advertising agencies. I met great people and it was one of the best experiences I have had. But, it was just average. I've always had the "dream" to go back to California, live in LA, work for a record label and do what I LOVE, music. So I went for it. I sent my resume into some of the best music companies and record labels in the U.S. and my heart dropped when I got a voice-mail from a lady from EMI Music (one of the worlds leading music companies who owns Virgin Records,Capitol Records, and many more and who've signed artist such as THE BEATLES) saying she was very impressed with my resume and wanted to talk more about a possible internship this summer. I had a few phone interviews, then found out I got the internship with EMI music at the Capitol Records building in Hollywood, California. Excitement would be an understatement. This summer will definitely be a huge learning experience for me. I feel like I am in a fork in the road. This is part of God's plan for me to see if this is what I really want to do and if LA is where I am supposed to be, or if Texas really has stole my heart. Stay posted for updates throughout the summer on how it is going.
And now one of my favorite songs right now: Float by Ko Ko.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Tupac Hologram at Coachella 2012
I've said to myself the past 3 years "I'm going to Coachella this year no matter what." Well, I didn't make it to Coachella AGAIN this year and I'm kicking myself. The lifelike hologram of Tupac was West Coast Rapper Dr. Dre's inspiration. I got the chills when watching this video. Just when we thought technology couldn't get much better, we start bringing some of the best rappers alive "back to life" to perform.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Song Of The Day: Rescue Song- Mr. Little Jeans (RAC Remix)
Talk about a song that will completely put you in a daze. After weeks of tests, interviews, and stressing about life, all I wanted to do tonight after class was two things: 1) Lay in my bed 2) Listen to good music. Rescue Song by Mr.Little Jeans, literally rescued me from the funk i've been in all day after taking one of the hardest tests of my life. Sit back, relax, and hopefully this song can rescue you from whatever stress is going on in your life.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Classic Song of The Day: The Beatles- Love Me Do
To write a blog post about The Beatles seems so incredibly cliche and overdone. How many people have written about The Beatles and their succes, and their one of a kind music? Probably too many to count. I'm not hear to rant on about how great I think The Beatles are, because anyone with two pairs of ears and a sane mind knows they're one of the greatest bands to have ever lived. I'm just here to post a song that is always a go to for me. If I am ever having a bad day, just put on a little Love Me Do by The Beatles, and I'm cured. Just sharing the power that their music holds with others out there who might care. Enjoy.
Song Of The Day: Miike Snow- Paddling Out
I took a little break from blogging because I've been on spring break forgetting about the worries of school, internships, and life. But i'm back and with some really great music. Here is another song that gets your head bobbin, Miike Snow's addictive song Paddling Out. I can't stop listening to it.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Song Of The Day: Down In The Valley- Head and The Hearts
"Lord have mercy on my rough and rowdy ways
Call it one drink too many
Call it pride of a man
But it don't make no difference if you sit or you stand
Call it pride of a man
But it don't make no difference if you sit or you stand
'Cause they both end in trouble and start with a grin
We do it over, and over, and over again."
The Head and The Hearts are one of my new all time favorite bands. Just makin some real jams that almost anyone can relate to, only the best kind of music. This song "Down In The Valley" is especially something we can all relate to. We all have those vices in our lives, whether it be something or someone. We know it's not good for us, but for some reason we can't stop. Listen carefully to the lyrics, they're very powerful. My favorite lyrics are "It don't make no difference if you sit or you stand. Because they both end in trouble and start with a grin." That is the thing about our vices in our lives, they might start with a grin but hell do they always end in trouble.
7 of all Mankind X James Franco Behind The Scenes
This is an exclusive behind the scenes look of James Franco and the crew of 7 of all mankind. Love this video and I love this song by Alexander Ebert called Truth.
Monday, February 20, 2012
Song Of The Day: Leaving On The 5th- Voxhaul Broadcast
This is one of those songs where you kinda just want to throw your hands in the air and shake your head around. And if you're feeling really into it, maybe dance around your room like an idiot to release some stress. I predict this four piece band from Orange County, California has great things ahead. Check out their most popular song Rotten Apples as well. I present to you, Voxhaul Broadcast. Enjoy my friends.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
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