Our world is filled with people who just settle. Settle for their spouse, their job, their dreams. I have always been someone who refused to settle. I've seen too many of my friends be in relationships with guys where you literally would ask yourself "Why the hell is she with him?" I'd be there to give advice, they'd break up, get back together, he'd say something sweet, they'd get back together. A viscous cycle. Want to know why people do this? We're afraid. We're afraid of being alone, afraid of not "finding the one," and afraid of love. I know this because I've been that person for years now. I've experienced a very unhealthy relationship at a young age that completely altered my view for what I deserve in my life. That unhealthy relationship actually was one of the best things that could have happened to me. It opened my eyes to what I want in life and what I refused to ever have in my life again. I was recently in a very healthy relationship with someone who I considered more of my "best friend" then my boyfriend. We had a very normal relationship. He made me laugh and he made me happy. For once I experienced something that felt normal. Something I had to learn was that something may feel normal, but that doesn't mean it is right. I don't want to just have a "normal" relationship, I want to have an amazing relationship. After I broke up with him I just turned this song up and smiled, because a) I love this song and b) I just knew it was right.
If more people could just get the guts to give up what feels "normal" in their life and shoot for something bigger, I think we all could experience a new happiness. I know I'll be sad when I see him with another girl, I'll miss his jokes and his laugh, but what is it that will help me move on? The knowledge that God has a plan for me in life and the right guy is out there for me. I'm only 20 years old and by no means will I ever need a man to define me or make me happy. It's time for me to be alone, enjoy my youth, and figure out "Jessica." And when "Mr.Right" comes along...I'll know.
In an era of narrow viewpoints, wannabee Paris Hilton's and The Jersey Shore, where the most popular singers talk about "brushing your teeth with a bottle of jack," where we have more degrees, but less sense of life, where we've forgotten how to laugh, but know how to send a text message, we've lost the real shit in life that reminds us how to breathe. I had to keep my sanity somewhere, so here it is: The Real Shit. A blog with REAL music, inspiration, and advice.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
When buying music was more than just iTunes.
I can remember when I was a teenager in high school and I was at my beach house in Santa Cruz, California for the weekend with some friends. We were in a book store and "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" by Leo Sayer came on over the radio. I wanted this song so bad. My dad had this vintage record player in our house with a bunch of old records like Earth, Wind and Fire and Doobie Brothers. My friends and I went on a hunt around downtown Santa Cruz to find Leo Sayers album. There is something about the thrill of going out and buying a record, I wish still existed. I am only 20 years old and a millennial experiencing this social media craze head on, however, if I could I would go back to the classics. When getting a record was an event, and you didn't just have to click "BUY" on iTunes or illegally download it off line and get viruses on your computer. I loved that my Dad had that record player growing up because it made me appreciate listening to music in a different way. Whenever I hear this Leo Sayer song, it instantly reminds me of just simple times, and well, makes me feel like dancing.
What happened to CLASSIC ?
These are the stars currently on television:
This is what girls look like when they try to be them (they're faces were blocked for their own sake):
This new fad of bleaching the shit out of your hair until it will almost falls out, having skin so orange you look like an oompha loompa, getting meaningless tattoos all over the surface of your body (yes, that heart with vines going up your side will still be there when you're a mother and an old lady), and the whole "I don't give a f*** so I flip off the camera in pictures" attitude, baffles me. What makes girls think this is OK to do, let alone, ATTRACTIVE? What happened to classic beauty? This is the type of beauty we should look up to--not wannabee Barbie:
Grace Kelly
Audrey Hepburn
Keira Knightley
This is what girls look like when they try to be them (they're faces were blocked for their own sake):
This new fad of bleaching the shit out of your hair until it will almost falls out, having skin so orange you look like an oompha loompa, getting meaningless tattoos all over the surface of your body (yes, that heart with vines going up your side will still be there when you're a mother and an old lady), and the whole "I don't give a f*** so I flip off the camera in pictures" attitude, baffles me. What makes girls think this is OK to do, let alone, ATTRACTIVE? What happened to classic beauty? This is the type of beauty we should look up to--not wannabee Barbie:

Scarlett Johnason
Audrey Hepburn
Keira Knightley
Sweet Summer Time
This is my last full day at my internship and then I start school in a few weeks....um, wait what? Although this summer didn't consist of going to the lake or beach everyday, laying out, and sleeping in until 2pm; I've learned the most I ever have. I may not be going back to school with a bronzed summer tan, but for once, that is OK to me. RAPP really is an amazing agency. I've met great people and learned so much not only about the advertising industry, but about myself. I am so excited for the future and what is to come.
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